Embark on a journey through China, a land where history, culture, and innovation converge. From the grandeur of the Great Wall and the Terracotta Army to the vibrant cities of Beijing and Shanghai, China is a destination of endless exploration. Discover the diverse landscapes, ancient temples, and culinary delights that define this vast and intriguing country.


13 Days 2-18 People
Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of China on this 14-day journey through Beijing, Xi’an, and Eastern China. Explore iconic landmarks like the Great...
16 Days
16天历史探秘,民族風情与绝美风光。出發日期:2025年8月26日 踏上传奇的丝绸之路,从兰州的活力都市,到敦煌的壮美沙漠,再到喀什的维吾尔风情;從天山到帕米爾高原;在16天旅程中领略中国丰富的历史文化,人文風俗,名山大川。 沿着古代商旅的足迹,游览莫高窟、交河故城和火焰山等世界遗产,品味地道美食,感受丝路多元文化与壮丽景观,从广袤沙漠到巍峨雪山。 精心安排的住宿和飲食、全程領隊和专业导游帶領,您只需安心專注于行程中的历史、文化与美景。不论您是历史爱好者、摄影發燒友或寻求独特体验的旅行者,这段旅程都将为您留下难忘回忆。
16 Days 10-22 People